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Vasudha Eco Club

Vasudha Eco Club

Vasudha (mother earth) Eco club of the college is a platform on which we get the knowledge
about environment. The meaning of an Eco club is to work in a group to contribute in
improving environmental conditions. They offer programs and activities to encourage others
to reduce pollution, plant trees, make the environment clean and more. Environmental
problems are only lifestyle problems. Eco club encourage the students to adopt a green
lifestyle themselves and encourage others to do so. It is a wonderful opportunity for
teachers to create awareness, build attitudes and help students take up activities in real
world, in a way in which the constraints of the classroom and curriculum will not allow.

Vasudha Eco club will be a centre of excellence for creating awareness and sensitivity
among individuals, students and society to the total environment and its allied problems.
It will build attitude to help individuals, students and society acquire a set of values and
feelings of concern for environment and the motivation for actively participating in
environmental improvement and protection.

1. To empower students in achieving effective knowledge about environment protection.
2. ⁠To get the students actively involved in environmental matters and to develop their interest
over environmental issues
3. To exert value oriented efforts for a safer atmosphere, thus creating awareness towards the
six ‘R’s-reduce, reuse ,recycle, recreate, reimagine and restore of conservation.
4. To inculcate proper attitude with regard to environment and its conservation through action-
based programmes.
5. To enhance students participation in protecting the micro environment.
6. ⁠To implement efficient solid waste management.
7. ⁠To reduce the use of plastic in the community.
8. ⁠To start campaign against use of one time use plastic, banned carry bags, use of horns
above audible sound, banned fireworks,
9. To celebrate green diwali , green holi and other festivals
10. ⁠To encourage use of ecofreindly products
11. ⁠To implement effective waste disposal (biodegradable and non biodegradable)
12. ⁠To give education for proper disposal of E waste
13. ⁠To impart knowledge regarding recycling of waste paper through various activities
14. ⁠To organize seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the college
to make the students aware.
15. To celebrate important days related with environment (Earth Day celebration, Ozone Day Celebration ,Environment Day Celebration, Biodiversity Day, Elephant Day, Sparrow Day ,Water
Day and Wetland day etc.).
16. Vanmahotasan by distributing saplings to students and staff.

To train and produce qualified students who are more sensitive, creative and innovative in 
environmental areas and work for the green environmen











