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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

All-round and multifaceted development of students, who are capable enough to meet the challenges of life, is our cherished motto. Education today is not merely acquiring knowledge. It is rather an acquisition of various skills along with strong character building and improving employment ability of our young talent, the future leadership.’ R.G. Culture’ has evolved through strong, dedicated, and innovative brains. We have inherited a strong foundation to march ahead and achieve the higher education objectives for a stronger and brighter India. Measures initiated by the Honorary Management, steps taken by the College Administration, the willing contribution of the teaching and non-teaching staff, and the overwhelming response along with the enthusiastic participation of my dear students, all vouch for this. When all these constituents come together and work in unison, the expected results are bound to flow. The College has substantially contributed to the process of ‘National Development’ by providing quality education and thereby enabling the students to become globally competent.

I am proud of being the Principal of such a wonderful institution dedicated to the causes of a better India. It is a matter of great delight that the College has made consistent progress since the beginning in academic and co-curricular activities. I wish to appreciate the entire faculty and other staff for encouraging and guiding the students in all facets, for their all-round development.

Join us in our endeavor to give our best and make this college a modern temple of learning through our diligence, devotion, and dedication. Wishing you all the best…!

Prof. Nivedita Kumari