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Industry Academia Integration & Skill Development Cell

This cell was set up in 2021-22 in the college to fulfill the following functions:- 

* Coordinating higher education with secondary, polytechnic, ITI
* ⁠Identifying areas of vocational and skill education
* ⁠Entering MoU for practical part of vocational and skill education / internship
* ⁠Preparing curriculum in collaboration with local industries for skill development

* Making students aware of local vocational and skill education areas

* Helping students to do online vocational and skill education courses

* Coordinating with regional industries / institutions and entering into MoU
* ⁠Identifying regional industries / institutions and sending students studying there for internship
* ⁠Preparing draft of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the institution

* Signing various types of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the interest of the institution
* ⁠Ensuring the functioning of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)


